January 2025 Minutes

Held at The Village Hall on Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 7.30pm
20.32 Declarations of Interest: None 
20.33 Present:  Councillor Robert Hall (Chairman), Councillor Alan Vivian (Vice Chairman) Councillor Theresa Brewer, Councillor Andrew Long,  Councillor Quent Stott, Councillor Harriet Earnshaw, District Councillor Lance Pennell, District Councillor Matthew Cooper, County Councillor Ian Carrington and Sue Makinson-Sanders Clerk. 
Apologies:  Councillor Jens Pedersen  and District Councillor Leigh Sanders (another meeting)
20.34 Public Forum:  No issues raised by members of the public
20.35 Approval of Minutes:  Minutes of Meeting held on the 5 November 2024. Councillors unanimously approved the minutes.
20.36 Clerk’s Reports: For Discussion Decision and Noting
a) Parish Councillor Vacancy and Co-option of Councillor: Harriet Earnshaw was co-opted onto the Parish Council and welcomed by all Councillors. A Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed and Councillor Earnshaw joined the Council.
b) Neighbourhood Plan Revision Update: David O’Connor is unwell at present and so Steve Kemp of Open Plan is dealing with the Neighbourhood Plan revision. The revised plan is to be informally reviewed by NKDC before being formally submitted. The final revisions are being completed and the the plan will be submitted. Councillors are aware that the grant must be spent before the end of the financial year to avoid the need to repay and reapply for this.
c) Budget and precept Setting: Councillors considered the reducing reserves held by the Parish Council and were asked to consider confirming the strategy of protecting the reserve funds the Parish Council currently holds with an aim to increase this to the equivalent of the annual precept. Councillors also considered the estimated costs for 2024/2025 and a precept level for 2025/2026. In recent years the Parish Council has kept increases to a minimum being aware of cost-of-living issues however the Parish Council is aware of the need to maintain reserves and the need to start addressing the issue. The Parish Council has benefited from donations which have covered some renovation works and planning issues but cannot continue to rely on this as a basis for funding. Councillor Earnshaw raised the issue of the availability of grant funding for projects. This will be considered at the appropriate stage but often requires match funding from the applicant. Councillors approved the strategy of protecting the reserve funds the Parish Council currently holds with an aim to increase this to the equivalent of the annual precept and to seek an increased in the annual precept to £13099 for 2025/2026.
d)  Fosse Green Energy, Navenby Substation and Other Solar developments: The Parish Council’s formal response to the Consultation has been submitted. The next stage of proceedings is awaited. Springwell Energy Farm Ltd has notified the Parish Council of the Consultation on its proposed development. The Parish Council will submit a similar response to that project. Councillor Earnshaw advised that a further application has now been made for a solar farm at Leadenham covering some 2000 acres of farmland. 
e) LALC’s Advice on Declarations of Interest: The Clerk confirmed that where a Councillor has a declaration of interest and wishes to be involved in the discussion and vote on the issue, that Councillor should apply to the clerk before the meeting for dispensation. It is the Clerk’s decision as to whether or not the Councillor will be able to participate in the discussion and vote on the matter.
f) Let’s Talk Lincolnshire survey on Pylons and solar parks: Clerk to email details of survey to residents with a request that the survey be completed. Survey closes 20 January 2025.
20.37 Miscellaneous and Finance Reports:
a) Agenda sent to all on email list and posted on website and noticeboard
b) Act of Remembrance: This was well attended with a class from the school and about 80 people in attendance. Thanks to Margo Nelstrop for providing the refreshments in church following the service.
c) Parking Issues on the A607: This relates to the entrance to Hall Farm Cottages. Councillor Ian Carrington will take this matter up with the officers dealing with the matter and report back to the Council.

20.38 Finance Report
a)    Payments to be made:






Grasscutting November 2024

Bdg Mowing Contractors




Clerks Salary January 2025

S Makinson-Sanders




Clerks Salary February 2025

S Makinson-Sanders




Village Hall Hire

Coleby VHC




Training Course Cllr Pedersen LALC





Training Course Cllr Stott VAT





Xmas tree

SMS Reimburse Coleby Christmas Tree Company




Donation Lighting Coleby Church

All Saints Church Coleby




Coronation Plaque

Draper Memorials




Membership Renewal LALC





Xmas Tree Collection Donation

SMS Reimburse Donation to St Barnabus Hospice




b) Payments received: £999.89 Vat reclaim

c) Payments due: Burial fee Lowfields Cemetery £75.00
Balance at date of meeting £12844.54

Payments approved……………………………………………………………………………  7th January 2025

20.39 Planning:
 a) The Bell Inn Far Lane Coleby- Pending decision on appeal against Enforcement Notice. No decision date given as yet.
b) Tree Works Application Fell Cypress Tree Far Lane Cemetery - approved
c) Tree Works Application 12 Blind Lane Coleby – approved
d) Tree Works Application Blind Lane Green - approved
e)  Tree Works Harvest Cottage Church Lane Coleby- approved
f) Planning Application Repairs to Wall Coleby School – pending
g) Tree Works 18 Blind Lane Coleby – pending
h) Planning Application porch and extension 4 Chestnut Paddock Coleby – pending
i) Tree Works 3 Dovecote Lane - pending

20.40 County & District Councillor Reports: Councillor Carrington urged everyone to complete the Let’s Talk Lincolnshire survey on pylons and solar parks. He reiterated the need for renewable energy but was concerned about the industrialisation of our countryside. The County Council is looking at legal action with a number of other councils and advised that a motion to the County Council to have as a principle the use of commercial rooves for solar panels as part of any planning application was passed. Commercial buildings usually have a good connection to the grid and therefore would be a good source of solar power. The County Council is writing to the Minister concerned. 
Councillor Carrington reported on the flooding issues in Lincolnshire following the recent bad weather. The County Council had 45 teams out yesterday and today closing roads, arranging diversions and making sure the roads are safe. There were 24 road closures initially, this is now down to 11. He advised people not to drive into flooded areas as this is dangerous. The weather forecast is for dry but cold weather and ice is going to be an issue. 1 grit run has already been done today and another will be carried out at 3.00am. 200 homes have been flooded. The River Witham is stable south of Lincoln but still in the Bardney and Boston areas with serious concerns for further flooding. The South Delph at Washingborough is also of concern and is being monitored closely.
Councillor Carrington reported that the County Council is still waiting a decision from Central Government on the North Hykeham Relief Road. The funding has been in the budget for 3 years but the government has suspended the funding and is considering it. Lincolnshire County Council is continuing to prepare for the road and needs to move the matter forward.
The County Council is considering its precept for 2025/2026 and a 3% increase has been recommended. A decision will be made in February. The government announced that the allocation of funding to the County Council would be reduced with money moving away from rural areas to urban areas. The Council is plugging the gaps from reserves but there are concerns that the county council will be asked to do more with less funding.
Councillor Cooper advised that Sleaford Market Place is now open as a pedestrianised area. A new defibrillator has been installed.
NKDC have been given a gold award for investment in people and is striving to deliver the best services. 
2 cars have been stolen from Harmston and residents should be aware that there are thieves about.
Free Trees are on offer until the 31 January 2025. 
Councillor Pennell reported that the budget process is ongoing and does not know what the recommendation will be. He suspects it will be a 3% rise. The council is financially stable.
Councillor Pennell advised the council of the sad death of Councillor Burley of Bracebridge Heath.
a)    Police: Nothing to report.
b)    Neighbourhood Watch: Scam warnings still being received on a regular basis. Clerk to continue to circulate details and toa advise of car thefts at Harmston
20.42 Cemeteries:
 a) Lowfields Cemetery: Councillors approved a request for the burial of ashes into the grave of the Reverend Cliff Knowles.
 b) Far Lane Cemetery:  Councillors approved a quote form Maple Tree Services for removal of the Cypress tree. Councillors accepted an offer from Mr and Mrs G Brown to contribute to the cost of the repairs to the cemetery wall following extensive and unsuccessful research into ownership of the wall. This will result in a payment to the Parish Council of £1058.00. Councillors approved a request for an additional burial plot in Far Lane Cemetery for Mr and Mrs Q Stott alongside that of their son  in space alongside the northern wall of the cemetery.
20.43 Reports from village organisations:
a) All Saints Church: Very successful Christmas services which were well attended. The Quinquennial report is ongoing with the church architect awaited for his survey of the building. The clock is keeping reasonable time and a repairer has been found to sort out the tolling of the hour.
b) Village Hall:  The AGM will take place on the 11 March 2025 with a meeting beforehand on the 28 January 2025.
c) Coleby School: No report. Clerk to contact and ascertain who is to be the contact between the school and the council following Mrs Ashton’s departure.
20.44 Correspondence: Invitation to join LALC’s Training Scheme. Clerk to email councillors for consideration.
Meeting closed 8.25pm
Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 4 March 2025 7.30pm
 Sue Makinson-Sanders
Tel: 01522 810509
email: colebyparishclerk@googlemail.com