January 2023 Minutes


MINUTES OF MEETING held at the Village Hall Coleby 10th January 2023

Declarations of Interest: None 

Present: Cllr Alan Vivian(Vice Chair), Cllr Barry Earnshaw (Chair) Cllr Theresa Brewer,  Cllr Robert Hall, Cllr Georgia Sargent, DCllr Lucille Hagues, DCllr Marianne Overton, S Makinson-Sanders (Clerk). 

Apologies:  Cllr Andrew Long (holiday) 

18.92 Public Forum:  

A resident raised concerns about the double decker school bus coming through the village. She had had two encounters with the bus which could have resulted in an accident. Most of the school buses pick up on the A607. The pupils are all teenagers and she enquired if anything could be done. The bus does occasionally use Blind Lane which is totally unsuitable when it cannot get through on High Street because of parked vehicles. Clerk to contact Children’s Services to see if this bus can pick up on the A607.

The light on the school is not working. Clerk to contact the school.

A resident has asked if the Parish Council could look at the bench on the A607 which is in memory of two village boys who were killed on the A607. It is in need of repair. Parish Council to review and repair as required.

A resident has raised concerns that the Viking Way has now been signed along the footpath from Dovecote Lane leading has now been signed from Dovecote Lane down the shared driveway/delineated footpath leading to the entrances of 10, 12 and 12A Dovecote Lane. Clerk to contact Lincolnshire County Council Highways to raise enquiry.

Cllr Vivian noted that the council were strimming the Viking Way this week.

A resident enquired whether instead of having 3 Christmas Trees there could be one large one perhaps moving round the greens in rotation each year or placed centrally in the churchyard. Councillors will consider for next year.

Councillor Earnshaw raised the state of the road on Coleby Lowfields. It is becoming dangerous. Clerk to report.

18.93 District Councillor Reports

Cllr Lucille Hagues has nothing to add to her recent newsletter apart from details of grant funding available from the Co-Op of £500-£1000 under the Community Champions Scheme. Cllr Hagues also mentioned her Charity Quiz Night at NKDC in aid of Children with Cancer UK to be held on the 10th March 2023 at 7.00pm Tickets £10.00 per person to include supper. Clerk to circulate.

Cllr Overton wished everyone Happy New Year and mentioned the list of telephone contacts available on her card. Funding is available for Insulation and making homes warmer. The District Council now has funds and applications are invited from those households with income of <£30K and an energy efficiency rating of E or lower. Cllr Overton is also looking for a community activist to assist her.

18.94 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the15th November 2022. Councillor Hall proposed and Councillor Earnshaw seconded approval of the minutes. Minutes Approved.   

18.95 Clerk's Reports:

a)  Agenda:  sent to all on email list and posted on the website and noticeboard.

b)  Precept:  Councillors considered budget plans as prepared by Councillor Earnshaw taking into consideration the  expected County Council increases in  Council Tax.  Councillors unanimously approved an increase in precept of 4.99% to provide a precept of £10921.00.

c) Councillor Email Addresses: Councillors are encouraged to have separate emails for council business to personal correspondence. Councillors discussed and approved minuting that the matter is under consideration

d ) King Charles 111 Coronation Joint committee: The Village Hall Committee is due to meet on the 8th February. In general Councillors felt a joint committee of village organisations to arrange events celebrate the Coronation should be organised. Cllr Vivian as a member of the VHC to report back to Parish Council.

e) External and Internal Auditors: The clerk reported that PKF Littlejohn LLP have been reappointed as the Parish Council’s external auditors. Mr Tom Holleran has confirmed he is willing to act as Internal Auditor with a fee of £50.00 (no increase). Councillors approved the appointment of Mr Tom Holleran as internal auditor.

f) Signage for School: The school would like signage on the A607 to raise awareness of the school. Clerk to contact Lincolnshire County Council Highways.

g) Grasscutting bdg mowing quote for 3 yr contract 2023/2025: Councillors approved reappointment of bdg mowing contractors.

h) Projects: Councillor Earnshaw outlined the funding available through the NKDC Prosperity Fund, Community FCC Action Funds and Platinum Jubilee Village Hall Fund from which £177k is available. A number of projects for the Village Hall and Church have been identified. District Councillor Overton felt that these were suitable for funding and will take the details to the Finance Officer with a view to arranging a meeting to discuss applications for funding. Councillors supported the proposed projects.

i)  Wellhead Pump Casing: Quote has been accepted and clerk is chasing Eastfield Joinery for a start date for the works.

j) Village Events Calender: Councillor Earnshaw reported there had been a clash of events. Councillors approved using the Graffoe Link to advertise events and the Village Face Book Page operated by the Village Hall Committee alongside the existing emailing list.

k) Clerk’s Salary: The National Association of Local Councils has agreed a pay increase effective from April 2022. Councillors to discuss increase in Clerk’s pay.

l) Autela Payroll Services Increase in fees: Councillors approved continuation of the contract with Autela Payroll Services on basis of increased fees.

18.96. Planning:

a) ) Tree works Application Ovington House Far Lane Coleby – pending decision 

b) Appeal against refusal of Planning Permission site off Dovecote Lane- Parish Councils responses to the appeal submitted and decision from Inspector still pending.

c) Planning application Conversion of stone-walled barn to cafe and restaurant (Use Class E) and siting of temporary toilet block during the months of October and November Lodge Farm Heath Road Coleby – approved.

d) Tree works 9 Dovecote Lane – pending decision

e) Tree works application 2 Chestnut Paddock – pending decision

18.97 Police Reports:

a) Police: Latest Report posted on noticeboard and village mailing list. Police main areas of focus the next quarter include drug use/dealing and scams and fraud

b) Neighbourhood Watch:  Newsletter circulated with useful information how to avoid scams and a home security checklist.

18.98 Cemeteries:

a) Lowfields Cemetery: Burial of Reverend Clifford Knowles reported.

b) Far Lane Cemetery:  nothing to report.

18.99 Financial Matters:

Councillors approved the following payments:

i.   Clerk's salary £ (Jan/Feb 2023)

ii.   Litter Picking Dean West  Jan/Feb 2023 @ £30 per month Total £60.00

iii.  Anglian Water Lowfields Cemetery Jan/Feb 2023 @ £4.00 per month. Total £8.00

iv.  Coleby Village Hall Hire Meeting £20.00

v. GW & CI Brown 3 x Christmas Trees £145.00

vi  Reimburse S Makinson-Sanders Replacement Tree Lights £29.98 

vii.  Autela Payroll Services £43.59 + Vat £8.72 Total £52.31

viii. Historic Towns and Villages Forum Annual Renewal £15.00

b)  Payments received:  £95.34 Litter Picking Grant

c) Payments due: Burial fees £100.00

Balance held at Co -operative Bank as at 09.01.2023 £10,227.50

19.00 Reports from Village Organisations:

a) All Saints Church: The footpath works are completed. The clock repairs are awaiting a start date. A successful Coleby Family Christmas and Midnight Mass were held in church. No further news on appointment of a new vicar.

b) Village Hall: A successful children’s film night was held and raised £150.00 towards new play equipment. Another is proposed at Easter.

c) School Report: Received and to be circulated.

19.91 Correspondence: Email from resident regarding rerouting of Viking Way. See public forum above.

Meeting closed 20.50pm

Next Meeting Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 7.30pm