November 2023 Minutes

MINUTES OF COLEBY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held at The Village Hall on Tuesday 7th November 2023 7.30pm

19.47 Declarations of Interest: Cllr Earnshaw and Cllr Vivian declared interest in Item 4d) relating to request by Village Hall Committee for funding for grass cutting as both are members of the Village Hall Committee

19.48 Present:  Councillor Barry Earnshaw (Chairman) Councillor Alan Vivian (Vice Chairman), Councillor Robert Hall, Cllr Theresa Brewer, District Councillor Leigh Sanders, County Councillor Ian Carrington and District Councillor Lance Pennell (Apologies for late arrival) and  Sue Makinson-Sanders Clerk.

Apologies:  Councillor Andrew Long (away on business) Councillor Georgia Sargent (Resigned), District Councillor Matthew Cooper (Attending another meeting).

19.49 Public Forum:  A number of residents on the northern side of the village are having problems with internet connections, the internet having been down for some days. A resident raised the issue of undergrounding as Openreach had promised to underground their cables when the electricity was placed underground in 2019. Clerk to follow this up.  Extra poles have been erected. District Councillor Leigh Sanders explained that Nokia is installing a new fibre network and this is resulting in more not less poles which is something of an issue. David O’Connor pointed out that to gain faster broadband speeds the existence of fibre alone does not bring faster speeds. Residents do need to upgrade their contracts to faster broadband. The clerk confirmed that there are no plans at present to underground the rest of the village’s electrical cables.

Notification of road closure Broughton Lane from Hill Rise Coleby to Harmston for culvert replacement. Concerns raised regarding state of Hill Rise and the additional traffic arising from road closure. Speeding through village by additional traffic a real problem.

Councillors approved the purchase of Christmas trees for all three greens as in previous years

19.50. Approval of Minutes:  Minutes of Meeting held on the 5th September 2023 proposed by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Brewer.  Councillors approved the Minutes.

19.51. Clerk’s Reports:

Cllr Earnshaw requested that Councillor Vivian chair items 4d) and 4e)

a) Agenda sent to all on email list and posted on website and noticeboard

b) Co-option of Parish Councillor: Councillors approved the co-option of Jens Pedersen as Parish Councillor

c) Neighbourhood Plan Revision following Adoption of Revised Central Lincolnshire Local Plan: David O’Connor has provided Councillors with 2 monthly updates since the last meeting and compiled a report on progress.  A plan of action has been produced with a view to having a Revised Neighbourhood Plan ready by August 2024. There will be consultations which will take about 10 weeks. A grant application has been made for funding and has been successful. Funds of £7521.17 should be received in the next few days to cover redrafting, consultancy and printing. There will be some costs such as refreshments for consultation events not covered by the grant. Open Plan have been instructed. The work involves 3 stages, a call for comments, workshops to discuss and changes and revision of plan. David O’Connor Design Codes were something to consider with free support from AECOM. Confirmation was sought by councillors that there was no obligation to accept the recommendations of AECOM nor to include the Design Codes in the final plan if it was felt they were not appropriate but agreed that their assistance should be sought given that there was no charge. A decision to include Design Codes could be made when the final revision was available. David O’Connor advised that the biggest change in small villages such as Coleby was that development targets had gone and any development should be within the footprint with only affordable housing being considered outside or adjacent to the footprint. A referendum would arise if major changes are made and requirement for this is decided by the Independent Examiner but funded by NKDC. Councillors approved instruction of AECOM to look at Design Codes. 

d) Budget, Grant Funding and projects: Cllr Earnshaw produced budget figures. Councillors approved not proceeding at this point with Wellhead Repairs but to proceed with the Coronation plaque. Grass cutting funding requested by the Village Hall Committee was deferred as the meeting was not quorate on this matter and this was based on advice from the Monitoring Officer from NKDC about conflict of interest for Parish Councillors who were also members of the VHC in relation to financial matters between the two bodies/parties. Budget setting deferred to next meeting when Precept setting takes place.

e) Fosse Green Energy Solar Park: Cllr Earnshaw updated the meeting on the current position. A number of councils have joined forces to oppose the project. Initial Consultation over and await developments.

f) Cllr Volunteer Schemes 2024: Clerk to send details of works required on bus shelter and wellhead to Councillor Carrington as Coleby in line for some volunteer work.

g) Wellhead Repairs: Councillors approved putting this on hold subject to the Volunteer scheme above.

h) Signage re parking on grass on greens: Clerk has sent 3 designs and location of signs to Lincolnshire County Council for approval.

i) Offer of Restoration of Cemetery Gates:  Ongoing. Clerk to follow up.

j) The Bell: Enforcement Notice served to tidy area. Clerk to contact NKDC as nothing done.

k) RAF Report: Red Arrows practising over Coleby. Clerk to enquire with RAF ongoing plans. 

l) Litter Picking: Clerk confirmed that Litter picker appointed and grant application made to NKDC.

m) Street Light Blind Lane: Clerk reported ongoing legal issue regarding land ownership. Awaiting Lincolnshire County Council Highways on this matter.

n) Traffic on Hill Rise/Lowfields: Concerns raised regarding the state of the road following increase in traffic due to road closures elsewhere and bad weather. With closure of Broughton Lane this is going to increase the problem. Clerk to request Highways remove signs of diversion and to arrange meeting with Highways and Councillor Carrington to resolve issues.

o) Drainage: Cllr Brewer has reviewed the drains in the village and reported where there are issues. Avenue Villas at risk from flooding as drains on A607 all blocked. 

p) Act of Remembrance: Saturday 11th November at the War Memorial at 10.45am. Wreath obtained, Councillors approved payment of £50.00 to the Royal British Legion. Bugler attending. Hazel Curtis officiating and Margo Nelstrop providing refreshments.

19.52  Planning:

a) Planning Application 16 Far Lane- Installation of solar panels to the front roof slope of property- approved.

b) Planning Application 16 Church Lane- Erection of single and two storey extensions together with relocation of existing vehicular access and boundary wall – approved.

c) Tree Works Reduce Cherry 1 Dovecote Lane – approved.

d) Tree Works Fell Cotoneaster The Old House High Street – approved.

e) Tree Works Crown reduce Walnut trees x 2 21 Blind Lane – pending decision.

19.53 Police Reports: 

a) Police: Priority setting requested by police. Councillors approved priorities as speeding traffic through village, anti social behaviour, drugs and scams

b) Neighbourhood Watch: Usual warnings about scams both telephone and email.

19.54. County & District Councillor Reports:  Councillor Carrington reported that a number of villages had suffered flooding in the recent storms and requested that the parish council consider pre-positioning of resources to prevent flooding. 

19.55 Cemeteries:

a) Lowfields Cemetery: Nothing to report.

b) Far Lane Cemetery:  Nothing to report.    

19.56 Financial Matters:

a)  Payments to be made:

i.  Clerks Salary £  (Nov/Dec  2023)

ii. Litter Picking Nov/Dec @ £30.00pm Total £60.00

iii. Anglian Water Lowfields Cemetery (Nov/Dec 2023 ) @ £4.00pm Total £8.00

iv. Coleby Village Hall Meeting Hire £20.00

v. Information Commissioner Data Protection Renewal fee £40.00

vi.  Autela Payroll Services July-Sept 2023 £45.48 + VAT £9.10 Total £54.58

vii. Anglian Water July- Oct 2023 Far Lane Cemetery £27.25 

viii. Nic Barker Ltd Gravedigger £50.00

ix. Bank Charge Stopped Cheque £5.00

x.  bdg Mowing Contractors Grass cutting Oct £380.00

xi. Open Plan Consultancy Fees Neighbourhood Plan Revision £ 3125.00 + £625.00 VAT Total £3750.00 to be paid when grant funding received.

Councillors unanimously approved the payments.

b) Payments received : 

i. Interment Ashes Enid Sawkins £250.00

ii. Gravediggers fees Enid Sawkins £50.00

iii. Lincolnshire County Council Grass cutting Grant £536.74

d) Payments due:  

i. Litter Picking Grant £ 95.34

ii. Neighbourhood Plan Revision Grant £7,521.17

Balance held at Co-Operative Bank as at 31/10/ £13,200.06

19.56 Reports from village organisations:

a) All Saints Church: Coleby Carols 22nd December at 6pm. Midnight Mass 24th December at 11.30pm

b) Village Hall:  Nothing to report.

c) Coleby School: Clerk to circulate report.

19.57 Correspondence:  Requests from Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance, Royal British Legion and Citizens Advice for donations. Deferred to next meeting.

Meeting closed 9.10pm

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 16th January 2023 at7.30pm

Sue Makinson-Sanders
Tel: 01522 810509