July 2019 Minutes


Held at The Village Hall Coleby on Tuesday 2nd July 2019 at 7.30pm


DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr Long & Cllr Brown Item 5d)


Cllr Alan Vivian (Vice Chairman) Cllr Graham Brown, Cllr Jamie Cartwright, Cllr Andrew Long, Sue Makinson-Sanders (Clerk), Cllr Ron Oxby

APOLOGIES: Cllr Karen Playford, Cllr Barry Earnshaw and Cllr David Knowles ( Cllr Playford and Cllr Knowles on holiday, Cllr Earnshaw – health reasons. Cllrs accepted reasons and apologies for absence. District Councillor Marianne Overton sent apologies as chairing National Conference.

16.76 PUBLIC FORUM 7.30pm -7.50pm

The Planning Application for Prior Approval for Change of Use at Manor Farm for Change of Use of Agricultural Building to Residential Use was raised by the property owner. Cllr Vivian advised that the Parish Council had no objection but that had asked for conditions to be attached to any permission granted by NKDC.Councillors confirmed that they had all approved before the comments went to NKDC. The cutting of the hedges at Lowfields Cemetery was also raised as to whether this had been an appropriate time to cut.

The static caravan at the Villas on the main road was raised. It was allowed whilst building works carried out. Clerk to check situation with NKDC.



Cllr Vivian requested approval of the Minutes. Proposed by Cllr Cartwright and seconded by Cllr Brown. These were approved by all councillors present. Cllr Vivian signed the Minutes as a true record.

16.78 Clerk’s Reports

a) Agenda sent to all on Parish Mailing List and placed on the notice board and website.

b) Well Head Repairs: Final press release to be sent out. Awating grant payment following completion of work.

c) Best Kept Village Competition – Judging now in progress July through to September.

d) GDPR Policies and Councillor Emails: The Privacy Notices have now been drafted and work is ongoing on policy documents. Cfwd.

e) Bench Repairs Coronation Crescent Green: Councillors advised of current situation re insurance claim. Referring to own insurers. Clerk to obtain quotes for bench as per those on Tempest Green.


f) Code of Conduct: This is now on the website in the approved format as issued by NKDC.

g) Local Plan Consultation: Mr O’Connor has offered to draft response from PC. Councillors approved that Mr O’Connor proceed to draft appropriate response as per the guidance provided to Councillors.


h) Western Power – electrical undergrounding works: these are due to commence at the end of the month and letters have gone out to residents. This will mean some disruption. Good response from residents to request to contact BT regarding phone lines. Cllr Brown raised query regarding new sub -station. Size and Location to be ascertained.


i) Trees Tempest Green: Some trimming required. Cllr Brown and Cllr Cartwright will attend to this.

ACTION: Cllrs Brown/Cartwright

j) Autela Payroll Services, Annual Fee Scheme: Clerk confirmed not registered for scheme and discount obtained.

k) Mud Kitchen and Planters for School: Ordered and delivered.

l) Overhanging Trees Dovecote Lane and Broughton Lane – both issues reported to Highways. Broughton Lane trees PC needs to contact landowner. Mr Needham offered to cut back. Thanks to Mr Needham. Cllr Vivian has trimmed back on Dovecote Lane.


a) Dovecote Lane Development: Clerk reported that as the development was approved before the CIL rules came in there is no entitlement to a share of the levy.

b) Application Prior Approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house Manor Farm Coleby Lowfields- pending.

c) Tree Works Application The Red House High Street Colebygranted

d) Tree Works Application Eagle House Dovecote Lane – granted

e) Tree Works Application 1 The Green Hill Rise – no objections from Councillors.


a) Police Report: No crime reported from 21 May 2019 – 2nd July 2019.

b) NHW – It has been quiet but a few scam warnings still being received. Residents warned about scam where threat to turn of internet connection.

16.81 COUNTY & DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORTS: Councillor Oxby reported as per the attached report.


a) Lowfields

i) Hedge Trimming- Thanks to Marcus Hopton for the excellent trimming.

ii) Gates: Quotes have been obtained. Cllrs approved the installation of metal gates. Brochures and quotes to be obtained. Less future maintenanace reasoning behind approval.

iii) Noticeboard: cfwd.

iv) Benches: Thanks to John North for repainting these and touching up the gates.

v) Car Park Area: Thanks to Tim Walker for spraying off the weeds and to John Cartwright for drag matting the area.

b) Far Lane:

i) Burial Request Miss Ann Pilsworth. Clerk reported cost of placing advert in form of Public Notice. Notices to be place at the cemetery and on village notice boards.

ii) Cllrs approved interment of ashes in grave of Leonard Holt for Joyce Wilcox


a) Payments to be made:

i. Coleby Village Hall - £20.00 (Meeting 2nd July 2019)

ii. Clerks Salary July/Aug 2019

iii. Anglian Water Lowfields Cemetery £4.50 pm

iv. Dean West Litter Picking July/Aug 2019 £60.00

v. Bdg Mowing Contractors April 2019 £456.00

vi. Autela Payroll Services Annual Fees £159.83

vii. Cosy – Mud Kitchen and Planters £445.79

viii. S Makinson-Sanders Reimbursement paint- benches £51.95

ix. Marcus Hopton Hedge Trimming £320.00

x. S Makinson- Sanders Reimbursement Flowers Auditor £35.00

Payments proposed by Councillor Vivian and seconded by Cllr Cartwright. All Councillors APPROVED.

b) Payments received: none

c) Balances:

Cooperative Bank £11814.59 as at 23.06.19 Nottingham Building Society £383.64.


a) Church: Cllr Long reported that. Quotations are still in the process of being obtained for undertaking the required works as contained within the Quinquennial Report, the main item being the South Aisle Roof.

Summer Garden Party, is to be held at The Old Rectory Sunday

14th July, starting at 3pm and running into the eveningTickets still available from Andrew Long, Sue Makinson –Sanders and Beth Devonald £15 per person (under 16’s free). Church Car Boot is the 5th August..

b) Village Hall: Meeting on 18th June rearranged to the 9th July. Coleby Harvest Charity Ball Saturday 28th September. Tickets available from Andrew Long or Guy Glaves at £60 only 2 or 3 tables left..

c) School: Report attached. Concern raised over falling numbers. School to be contacted for banner to be put up for Car Boot.


i) VE Day Celebrations 8th May 2020 – possible event at Church


ii) RAF Benevolent Fund Notices.


Meeting closed 8.40pm


Tuesday 10th September 2019 at 7.30pm.