March 2021 Minutes

Coleby Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting held by zoom on the 10th March 2021

1. Declarations of Interest:
Councillor Andrew Long - shareholder of the Coleby Pub Company (Investments) Ltd and as someone who is passionate about retaining the Bell Public House and ancillary restaurant. Also Interest in Item 5 (d)
Councillor Alan Vivian - shareholder and director of the Coleby Pub Company (Investments) Ltd
Councillor Graham Brown interest in Item 5(i)

2. Present:
Councillor Alan Vivian ( Vice Chairman) Councillor Barry Earnshaw,Councillor Andrew Long, Councillor Jamie Cartwright,
Councillor David Knowles, Councillor Graham Brown, District Councillor Marianne Overton, District Councillor Lucille Hagues, Sue Makinson-Sanders (Clerk).
Councillor Karen Playford (working)  and County Councillor Ron Oxby
Members of the Public

17.79.  Public Forum
A resident asked about the Bell. This item is on the agenda and will be discussed later. No other matters raised.

17.80 Approval of Minutes:
Approval of Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 5th January 2021 - Councillor Brown proposed and Councillor Cartwright seconded. Minutes approved by all Councillors present.
Approval of Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting 1st March 2021 - Councillor Long proposed and Councillor Earnshaw seconded. Minutes approved by all Councillors present.

17.81 Clerks Reports:
a) Agenda sent to all on Parish Mailing List and placed on the notice board and website. All residents invited to join the remote meeting via zoom.
b) Western Power update - The foreman of Network Plus who will be carrying out remedial works is due to visit the village today and priority will be given to the drive way at the end of Far Lane. As long as no road closure is required this should be completed within 2 weeks. The rest of the works will be completed when road permits have been obtained.The permits will be requested next week. Kim Barker of Western Power to advise when dates for the works are known.
c) Viking Way Repairs/Maintenance - The footpath is drying out nicely and the removal of the fence and clearance of the undergrowth by Mr Needham has clearly helped to alleviate the problem of getting around the muddy areas. Dog fouling notices have been posted and dog waste bag dispensers provided.
d) Wellhead Pump Casing - Quote obtained from Pelican Trust to replace the casing in same wood as door and noticeboard. Quote £780.00 + VAT. Councillors requested a further quote be obtained.
e) Street Lighting - Councillor Vivian has obtained alternative prices for lighting however by the time the cost of Unmetered supply testing is added they come out at virtually the same cost as the lamps recommended by Lincolnshire County Council. Councillors approved purchase of the Muirfield lanterns via Lincolnshire County Council at a cost of £2641.00 when the refund from the county council is taken into account.
f) The Bell at Coleby ACV- Position statement given. Application for Nomination of The Bell as a Community Asset waas unsuccessful. Insufficient evidence of community usage in recent past or evidence of future community usage.
g) Water Seepage Hill Rise - Some work has been carried out to clear gullies on the southern side of Hill Rise. Councillors thanked Mr Needham for this. Highways to be invited to have a site meeting as no work done by them to solve issue. Councillor Brown thanked Mr Needham on behalf of the Parish Council for snow ploughing the village earlier in the year.
h) Additional Village Works for Dean West - Councillors approved an approach be made to Dean West. Councillor Knowles to make approach.

17.82 Planning:
a) Planning Application single rear extension 2 Avenue Villas Coleby - granted.
b) Application Change of Use The Bell at Coleby  - Positions statement. Appeal is now with the Planning Inspector. The Parish Council has submitted its comments.
c) Tree Works West Hall Coleby- approved.
d) Planning Application Erection 2 bay open fronted garage and store The Old Rectory Coleby - pending.
e) Tree Works 10 Dovecote Lane - approved.
f) Planning Application Erection two storey dwelling Land at 12 Coronation Crescent - comments submitted and pending.
g) Tree Works 21/0144/TCA Owls Hoot Blind Lane - pending
h) Tree Works 21/0145?TPO - approved.
i) Tree Works The Lodge Grantham Road - approved.
j) Tree Works Millfield Rectory Road - approved.

17.83 Police Reports:
a) Police Report - Since the last meeting 2 males arrested following criminal damage. On bail and under investigation for 54 offences committed along the A607 between Lincoln and Caythorpe. Victims reported assault, harrassment, damage to property and vehicles. Covid 19 breaches have been a problem in Hykeham Branston and Washingborough. Parents are reminded that fixed fine penalties of £200 will be issued if teenagers found to be breaching regulations.
b) NHW Report -  All quiet apart from scam warnings. Villagers notified of the latest via village mailing list.

17.84 County & District Councillor Reports:
a) Councillor Oxby reported on the County Council's budget proposals, business support grants, the Green Master Plan to be carbon free by 2050, a new fund set up to benefit small properties when flooded, a review of the Minerals and waste local plan, County Council Elections in May 2021.
b) District Councillor Overton reported on the District Council's budget, 13 covid groups in the area meeting fortnightly and proposing groups continue to assist after covid, First Aid Mental Health Certificates to enable adive, £200 million capital programme targeted at villages and housing needs, Sleaford business units. Councillor Overton had spoken with Anne-Marie Shepherd of NKDC regarding the Applicition for Nomination of The Bell as a community asset and was satisfied the correct
procedures had been followed in coming to the decision to refuse the application,
c) District Councillor Hagues is sending regular reports which are being distributed via the mailing list. She had nothing further to add.

17.85 Cemeteries
a) Lowfields Cemetery- Councillors approved renewal of the garden waste bin at £35 for the year
b) Far Lane Cemetery - Councillors approved renewal of the garden waste bin at £35 for the year

17.86 Financial Matters:
a) Payments to be made:
Clerks Salary Mar/April 2021
Dean West Litter Picking Mar/April 2021  £60.00
LALC Annual Membership Renewal £149.32
LALC Training Scheme Renewal £102.00
Autela Payroll Services £46.73
Jargon Free repairs to PC Laptop £25.00
Jargon Free £50.00
b) Payments received: None
c) Payments due: None
Balance as at  28.02.21 Co-Operative Bank £9513.31

17.87 Reports from Village Organisations:
a) All Saints Church Services resuming with Palm Sunday Service 28th March 2021 at 9.00am with covid restrictions. VCC meeting due on 6th April 2021. Reverend Michelle on maternity leave from 27th April 2021.
Thanks expressed to Norman Groom for repairs to the Church noticeboard.
b) Village Hall - AGM in person after 12th April 2021. Financial year adjusted to end Feb/March. No car boots for 2021 probably be April 2022.
c) School - report provided.

17.88 Correspondence:
a) Cereals 2021 - road closures and one way systems notified for show. Dates changed to 30 June - 01 July 2021.
b) Live & Local Community Arts during Lockdown.

Date of Next Meeting: AGM APM PCM Tuesday 11th May 2021 Venue or zoom to be confirmed.