May 2021 Minutes


MINUTES OF MEETING held at the Village Hall Coleby 25 May 2021

Declarations of Interest:

Cllr Long declared an interest in item 5(b). Cllr Brown declared an interest relating to tree works at The Lodge Grantham Road Coleby and Cllr Cartwright declared an interest in item 5(e).

Present: Cllr Barry Earnshaw, Cllr Alan Vivian, Cllr Andrew Long, Cllr Graham Brown, Cllr Jamie Cartwright, Cllr David Knowles, County Councillor Ian Carrington, District Councillor Marianne Overton, Sue Makinson-Sanders (Clerk). 
Apologies District Councillor Lucille Hagues.

17.89 Public Forum: A resident raised the issue of the remedial works following the undergrounding of electrics in parts of the village. These have not been completed. The clerk confirmed that there is to be a meeting with Western Power on Thursday 27th May to discuss outstanding issues. The verges would be included in this discussion. 

A resident enquired whether it would be possible to site the speed indicator device on Blind Lane. Work is being completed on a wall on Blind Lane and there is concern about the speed of drivers on that area of the lane. Clerk to contact the Lincolnshire Safety Partnership for approval of a site for the device on Blind Lane.               

Cllr Earnshaw raised a number of traffic issues. Speeding cyclists, pot holes and the issue of turning space on Far Lane. Councillors approved review of the situation regarding no turning signs in Far Lane when all building works currently being carried out are concluded. 

A resident suggested that part of the problem with vehicles in Far Lane related to delivery vans and raised the suggestion of a central drop of point in the village for parcels. Clerk to explore suggested drop off point.

17.90 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 10 March 2021. Cllr Brown proposed and Cllr Long seconded approval of the minutes.

17.91 Clerk's Reports:

Cllr Earnshaw obtained councillors approval that item g) should be dealt with at the end of the clerk's reports as Mr O'Connor would give a presentation 

a) Agenda sent to all on email list and posted on the website and noticeboard.

b) Resignation of Cllr Playford and Councillor vacancy. Vote of Thanks given to Cllr Playford for her work as Chairman and Parish Councillor. NKDC to be notified of resignation and formal procedure for election of new councillor will proceed.

c) Western Power update: Clerk and Cllr Vivian to meet with Western Power on the 27 May to discuss outstanding remedial works.

d) Wellhead Pump Casing: Quote from Pelican Trust. Other quotes requested with no success. Clerk to try Daryll Griffiths.

e) Street Lighting: Lantern replacements for utility lights proposed by NKDC purchased and now with LCC Highways Department for installation early June 2021. NKDC to refund what they would have paid for lights and vat can be reclaimed on cost of purchase of lanterns.

f) Water Seepage Hill Rise: this is now resolved. Mr Needham located a manhole and cleared this. LCC Highways have now confirmed they are responsible for the manhole and have jetted out the drains from it.

h) Precept: £9821.00 has been received.

i) Audit

i.   Approval of Certificate of Exemption: Cllr Knowles proposed and Cllr Long seconded approval of the Certificate of Exemption

ii.  Approval of Annual Governance Statement: Cllr Vivian proposed and Cllr Long seconded approval of the Annual Governance Statement

iii. Approval of Accounting Statements: Cllr Knowles proposed and Cllr Cartwright seconded approval of the Accounting Statements.

All councillors approved the Certificate of Exemption, the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements.

j) Annual renewal of Parish Council Insurance: Councillors unanimously approved renewal of the policy

k) Annual Village Clean Up: There is no Best Kept Village competition but an annual clean up would benefit the village and brings villagers together. Councillors approved the proposal. Clean up to be scheduled for the 3 July 2021.

g) Annual Review of Neighbourhood Plan: David O'Connor gave a short presentation explaining the current possible changes in planning regulations, the Lincolnshire Local Plan review, the Government's Planning for the Future proposals and the Queens Speech. Councillors approved the recommendations proposed

i.    The Parish Council notes that the current Neighbourhood Plan is operating effectively as part of the Plan for Coleby.

ii.   It is not necessary at present to facilitate housing development at other locations

iii.  Councillors will undertake a short training session on the "demonstrable evidence of clear local community support" test and identify any changes to operating procedures, standing orders etc that may be necessary for formal approval at a future Parish Council Meeting.

iv.   The Parish Council will continue to monitor progress on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review started in 2019 and identify any actions necessary.

v.    The Parish Council will monitor progress on the Government's "Planning for the Future" proposals and identify any actions necessary.

Councillors thanked Mr O'Connor for his excellent report.

17.92 Planning:

a) Application Change of Use The Bell: Awaiting decision of planning inspector.

b) Planning Application Erection 2 bay open fronted garage and store The Old Rectory. Awaiting decision.

c) Planning Application Erection 2 storey dwelling at land at 12 Coronation Crescent. Awaiting decision.

d) Planning Application and Listed Building Consent re-roofing garage and raising height of building to insert first floor and relocate oil tank The Garden House. Approved.

e) Planning Application and amended plans 2 storey extensions and alterations to dwelling 14 Far Lane. Approved.

f) Tree Works Application Owls Hoot Blind Lane 21/0144/TCA. Awaiting decision.

g) Tree Works Application Owls Hoot Blind Lane 21/0145/TPO. Approved.

h) Tree Works Application Red House High Street. Approved.

i) Tree Works Application 10 Dovecote Lane. Approved.

j) Tree Works Application 2 Hill Rise. Approved.

k) Tree Works Application 3 Dovecote Lane. Approved.

17.93 Police Reports:

a) Police: no reported crimes in Coleby since last meeting. Police advised they are unable to attend Parish Council meetings in person. Cllr Earnshaw to draft letter to Chief Constable. Police confirmed that 2 people had been arrested for the arson attack at the Bell.

b) Neighbourhood Watch: quiet apart from scams, the main ones being HMRC, Royal Mail, Amazon, Microsoft  

17.94 County and District Councillor Reports:

County Councillor Ian Carrington introduced himself following his recent election. He will meet with the Chairman and clerk to familiarise himself with Coleby and its issues.

District Councillor Marianne Overton thanked everyone for their support in voting. Thanks were also expressed to Mr O'Connor for his report and presentation on the Neighbourhood Plan. The animal rendering plant at Norton Disney is going to LCC. Cllr Overton is concerned about the latest planning proposals from government. The propsals give more control to central government. 

17.95 Cemeteries:

a) Lowfields Cemetery. 
Burial of Rev'd Robert Clark Bell. Councillors approved a request for a single joint headstone for Rev'd Bell and his wife Margaret Bell. Design details awaited.

b) Far Lane Cemetery: Councillors approved a request for the interment of the ashes of Mrs Butler into the grave of her father Robert Hallgarth and the erection of a stone in his memory and that of his wife and children. Design details awaited.

17.96 Financial Matters:

a) Payments to be made:

i.   Clerk's salary £  (May/Jun 2021)

ii.  Litter Picking Dean West May/Jun 2021 @ £30 per month Total £60.00

iii. Claire Pendle Planning report on Appeal £900.00

iv.  S Makinson-Sanders Reimburse 2 x garden bin renewals @ £35 per bin. Total £70.00

v.   S Makinson-Sanders Reimburse Renewal of Zoom Facility £71.94

vi.  Zurich Insurance Annual Insurance renewal £417.78

vii. Anglian Water Lowfields Cemetery (May/Jun) @ £4.00 per month. Total £8.00

viii.Anglian Water Far Lane Cemetery (Jan/April 2021) £11.70

ix.  Acrospire Solutions Ltd 7 x Street Lanterns £3423.00 plus £684.60 VAT. Total £4107.60

x.   BDG Mowing April £348.00

xi.  BDG Mowing May £348.00

xii. Autela Payroll Services Ltd inv 5952 £32.63 + VAT £6.53 Total £39.16

xiii.S Makinson-Sanders Reimburse Wreath Royal British Legion 100th Anniversary £18.50

xiv. CPRE Renewal of Annual Membership £36.00

xv.  T D Holleran Internal Audit £50.00

xvi. Coleby Village Hall Hire £20.00

b) Payments received:

i.   Burial Coleby Lowfields £400.00

ii.  Precept £9821.00

c) Payments due:

i)   Contribution to street lights from NKDC 7 x £185.00 = £1295.00

ii)  VAT Reclaim £202.20

Balance held at CoOperative Bank as at 30.04.21 £17,673.13

17.97 Reports from Village Organisations:

a) All Saints Church - AGM held 25.04.21. Still have a vacancy for a church warden. Graffoe PCC AGM 27 May 2021. Andrew Long and Sue Makinson-Sanders nominated to join PCC to give All Saints a voice in the parish. Garden Party at the Old Rectory under review. Possible date 25 July 2021. Quinquennial works progressing with some outstanding stonework, interior decoration and paths.

Church is open 3 days a week, Tues, Thurs and Saturdays from 10.00am to 4.00pm for private prayer.

b) Village hall - AGM held 15 May 2021. Committee of 15 members. Finances are generally good with a £10,000 grant helping with losses from no car boots or hiring in last year. Some small social events in the planning stages. Car boots to resume April 2022. Spring Ball a possibility.

c) School Report received.

17.98 Correspondence:

Cliff Carnival Team - Flag Making Project. Cllr Knowles proposed and all councillors approved a donation of £100.00 to the scheme.

Meeting closed 20.45

Next Meeting Monday 5th July 2021 at the Village Hall at 7.30pm