September 2020 Minutes


Held at remotely via Zoom on Tuesday 1st September 2020 at 7.30pm



Cllr Karen Playford (Chairman) Cllr Andrew Long, Cllr Barry Earnshaw, Cllr Alan Vivian, Cllr David Knowles, Cllr Jamie Cartwright, District Cllr Marianne Overton, District Cllr Lucille Hagues, Sue Makinson-Sanders (Clerk)

APOLOGIES: Cllr Graham Brown County Councillor Ron Oxby


A member of the public queried whether there should be a notice on the Wall for 13 High Street stating that car owners park there at own risk. Cllr Knowles advised against.

Cllr Vivian requested that the school be asked to put a contact number for out of hours on the school notice board in case of emergency – fire and gas leak so far this year and no contact details. Clerk to request



Cllr Playford requested approval of the Minutes. Proposed by

Cllr Cartwright and seconded by Cllr Vivian. These were approved by all councillors present. Cllr Playford signed the Minutes as a true record.

17.52 Clerk’s Reports

a) Agenda sent to all on Parish Mailing List and placed on the notice board and website. All residents on invited to join the remote meeting via Zoom.

b) Audit. Public notice given for inspection of accounts. Anyone wishing to view the accounts should contact the clerk for an appointment before the 12th October 2020.

c) Western Power – electrical undergrounding works. Work ongoing. Agreement has been obtained for the lines passing through the trees on Blind Lane and Tempest Greens to be sheathed as part of the current works. Cllr Long reported that agreement has been reached regarding some minor alterations to the substation at the playing fields. Rectory Road and the High Street represent something of an obstacle course at the moment.

d) V E Day Events. Events postponed to weekend of 7th 8th and 9th May 2021. All bookings and deposits paid transferred to this date. This is a village event and not to be advertised in the Yellow Peril.

e) Viking Way Repairs. An email from Gerald Needham to Chris Marsh Countryside Officer was read out. The fence has been repaired and Mr Needham has cut back along the footpath as discussed with Cllrs. Cllrs approved a Vote of Thanks to Mr Needham. Cllr Cartwright reported that having discussed with Abba Plant the proposed French drains not likely to work. Proposed that shuttering be installed and infilled with a flint/stone material to provide a better surface.

Cllr approved revised suggestion,.

f) Wellhead Door/Noticeboard. Ian Thompson to instal. Clerk to chase.

g) Bench Lowfields Cemetery. Bench now ready for collection. Cllr Cartwright will collect. Ian Thompson to be contacted to lay plinth. Cllrs approved quote of £150.00.

Clerk to contact Ian Thompson to accept job and for timescale


h) Flytipping. Increase in fly tipping despite installation of notices stating cameras. Cllr Overton to assist with installation of cameras at strategic locations on Lowfields. Concerns raised about rules for taking rubbish to tips – need for appointment and different types of waste. Vans and trailers treated as commercial vehicles and refused even when private. PC to write to County and District Council. David O’Connor referred to the regulations regarding covert surveillance and the Code of Practice.

ACTION: SMS/Cllr Overton

i) Street Lighting. LCC are to replace some existing lamp posts following work by Western Power. Cllrs met with Mr Cant of LCC and requested more appropriate lamp posts than those proposed. LCC will consider alternatives and Mr Cant to source and contact PCif any additional cost. Clerk to canvas residents views on Church Lane re the lamp post outside No 6 Church Lane.

ACTION: SMS/Cllr Playford

j) Proposed changes to Planning Permission Rules and effect on Neighbourhood Plan. Consultation on government’s new proposals. Reply by 12th October. Proposals will make it easier for developers (presumption in favour of development if within an area designated for development) and is centralisation of planning. One size fits all approach – less local say. PC needs to take steps to ensure that Coleby achieves protected status. PC to respond to consultation


k) Electoral Wards Boundary Changes Consultation – it is proposed that Coleby and Harmston be part of a Rural Waddington ward. Cllrs approved sending a letter reiterating the connections with the Cliff villages – eg bus routes, sharing of schools, doctors etc.


l) Marquee at theTempest/Parking. Cllrs supported the addition of the marquee to increase capacity during the covid pandemic. Government’s Eat Out scheme has been very successful. NKDC have confirmed that no planning permission is required at this stage (none before 56 days). Some concern over visual impact and parking. Parking on the Green a problem but this to be reviewed as High Street difficult due to road works currently taking place. Review next agenda.

m) Trees on Village Greens. NKDC responsible for trees on Coronation Crescent Green. Next inspection due 2022. LCC responsible for trees on Tempest and Blind Lane Greens. Mr Sardeson of LCC has inspected and works to take place on some of the trees to lift crowns. Query on some of trees. Clerk to send map to Cllrs. Request to be made for removal of self sown sycamores on Dovecote Lane. Query regarding tree outside 21 Blind Lane.


n) Speed Indicator device. This is available for Coleby to collect. Cllrs approved placing the device on High Street as traffic travels down Hill Rise. Clerk to arrange collection from Bracebridge Parish Council


o) New Website. Clerk has undergone training. Jargon Free are completing transfer of all info from old site to new site, which will be live from December.


p) Footpath Grasscutting. Paths have now been cut – Cllr Overton advised that the Highways Team will assist with any areas outstanding.

q) Highways Teams – Road repairs. Highways have been requested to repair Rectory Road (area outside Glebe House) the drains on the corner of Dovecote Lane and Hill Rise and Lowfields. Any areas requiring attention can be reported on Fix my Street. Works still awaited on the seepage below the Tempest. Clerk to chase.



a) Application Erection of single storey side extension 2 Avenue Villas – Resubmitted with amended plans, decision awaited

b) Application Demolition existing conservatory and erection 2 storey side extension and detached double garage 19 Blind Lane – revised plans submitted, decision awaited.

c) Tree Works Application Pantiles Rectory Road -granted

d) Application replacement oil tank The Garden House Far Lane – granted

e) Application repairing and reroofing of garage block with the insertion of a first floor and external adjustments to oil tank The Garden House Far Lane - granted

f) Application alternations to existing fish pond including conversion to swimming pool, alterations to pool plant room, terrace and landscaping Coleby Hall – granted

g) Tree Works Ovington House Far Lane - granted

h) Application –erection steel framed portal agricultural building for grain/machinery storage – Lodge Farm Heath Road Coleby – granted

i) Application erection of 1 dwelling (outline with means of access) Land t 12 Coronation Crescent. Awaiting decision.

j) Tree works application East Stables Coleby Hall – decision awaited

k) Tree works application Harvest Cottage, 11 Church Lane – decision awaited

l) Tree works application The Old Rectory, Rectory Road – granted

m) Tree works application The Lodge Grantham Road – awaiting decision

n) Tree works application The Lodge Grantham Road – awaiting decision

o) Tree works application 21 Blind Lane – awaiting decision

p) Tree works application Coleby School – awaiting decision

q) Tree works application Eagle House Dovecote Lane – awaiting decision


a) Police Report: 1 reported public order offence.

b) NHW – all very quiet, even the scam warnings have slowed.


Cllr Ron Oxby’s- apologies no report.

District Cllr Marianne Overton reported on the Boundary Commission proposed changes, the pressure to go unitary and recovery work following the pandemic. Report attached. District Councillor Lucille Hagues reported on the progress made re the Wainfleet Flood and Drainage scheme and that Highways are clearing outlets and gulleys.


a) Lowfields: Quotes obtained for plinth for bench. Cllrs approved quote. Clerk to contact Ian Thompson to install at cost of £150.00


b) Far Lane:

i) Burial Request Miss Ann Pilsworth- Clerk researching with local residents – suspended pending lockdown removal.


a) Payments to be made:

i. Clerks Salary £ (Sept/Oct 2020)

ii. Anglian Water Lowfields Cemetery July/Aug 8.00

iii. Dean West Litter picking Sept/Oct 60.00

iv. BDG Mowing –grasscutting July 348.00

v. BDG Mowing –grasscutting Aug 348.00

vi. Pelican Trust – Bench 435.00

vii. Anglian Water Far Lane Qtr Apr/July 11.85

Cllr Cartwright proposed and Cllr Vivian seconded the payments. Cllrs approved all payments

b) Payments received:

i. VAT Reclaim 2019/2020 1658.28

ii. Burial Lowfields Cemetery 280.00

c) Payments due:

i. Donation for bench Lowfields Cemetery 435.00 Balances: Cooperative Bank £13693.34 as at 31.08.20


a) Church: The faculty for the roof repairs and quinquennial works has now been received. A contractor has been appointed and work is due to start on the south aisle roof mid September. The church remains open 2 x a week for private prayer but will need to close whilst the roof works are undertaken

b) Village Hall: Next meeting is 16th September held with social distancing. The hall is now open for bookings managed by Dean West.

c) School Report: Attached



Meeting closed 9.30pm


Tuesday 3rd November 2020 at 7.30pm. Venue or remote to be confirmed.