November 2020 Minutes
Held via Zoom on Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 7.30pm
Cllr Andrew Long as shareholder of Coleby Pub Company (Investments) Ltd and as someone who is passionate about retaining the Bell Public House and ancillary restaurant and Cllr Alan Vivian as shareholder of Coleby Pub Company (Investments) Ltd
Cllr Alan Vivian (Vice Chariman – Chair for this meeting), Cllr Barry Earnshaw, Cllr Andrew Long, Cllr Jamie Cartwright, Cllr David Knowles, Cllr Graham Brown, DCllr Marianne Overton, DCllr Lucille Hagues, Sue Makinson-Sanders (Clerk) APOLOGIES: Cllr Karen Playford (at work).
Cllrs accepted reasons and apologies for absence.
17.61 PUBLIC FORUM: A resident raised an issue about a telegraph pole at the end of Far Lane and proposed work notified by Openreach by handwritten notice. She objects to more wires across her property and to an additional pole. Cllr Cartwright to discuss with resident.
ACTION: Cllr Cartwright
An objection to the Planning Application relating to The Bell and to the change of use to a dwelling was put forward by a resident.
i) Approval of Minutes of Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 1st September 2020 – Cllr Cartwright proposed and Cllr Earnshaw seconded. Minutes approved by all councillors present.
ii) Approval of Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting Thursday 29th October 2020 – Cllr Earnshaw proposed and Cllr Knowles seconded. Minutes approved by all councillors present.
a) Agenda sent to all on Parish Mailing List and placed on the notice board and website. All residents on invited to join the remote meeting via Zoom.
b) Western Power update – Western Power confirmed to the Parish Council that all undergrounding works, connections to property and reinstatement would be completed by mid November and then the wires and those poles without BT lines would be removed. Parish Council to arrange a walk arund the village with Western Power to check all works satisfactory.
c) VE Day Event – All rescheduled for May 8th/9th 2021. To be reviewed as necessary
d) Viking Way Repairs/Maintenance – Cllr Cartwright to contact Mr Gerald Needham for access from his land to the Viking Way. Work to install shuttering and hard core to commence within next 4/5 weeks
ACTION: Cllr Cartwright
e) Wellhead Door/Notice Board- work now completed to install. Clerk enquired about replacing wood shuttering around the old pump inthe same wood as the door. Cllr requested clerk to obtain a quote from Pelican Trust.
f) Bench Lowfields Cemetery – Donated by Mrs Monique Butler. Now installed. Clerk to collect donation from Mrs Butler with thanks
ACTION: Cllr Hagues
g) Flytipping – there has been less evident fly tipping in last few weeks. 18 incidents of fly tipping reported by clerk in 2020, more than 2018 and 2019 added together. Cllr Hagues to follow up on this with NKDC.
h) Street Lighting – Cllr Vivian provided details and costings of suitable lamp standards and lanterns as an alternative to utility urban standards and lanterns proposed by NKDC. Cllrs approved the courtyard lanterns available from Armadillo LED as sourced by Cllr Vivian.Clerk to seek credit from NKDC towards proposed poles and approval of NKDC to chosen poles and lanterns.
i) Speed Indicator Device – this has been installed on the High Street, Thanks to Cllr Cartwright for installation. Cllr Knowles reported this seemed to be having an effect. Cllr Cartwright reported that the pole on High Street is loose and needs replacement or securing. Cllrs approved re-siting of SPID to Dovecote Lane and Rectory Road in turn.
ACTION: Cllr Cartwright/SMS
j) New Website – Most of information from old council website transferred. Awaiting going live on new website. Cllrs approved 2 hours training for clerk on new website admin. Clerk to arrange.
k) The Bell at Coleby ACV- Cllrs approved a Vote of Thanks was given to Quent Stott for his offer to second his architect to the Parish Council to advise on the ACV and assist with the same and Cllrs approved a Vote of Thanks to David O’Connor for his advice in relation to the application. Clerk is in communication with the architect, Mr Keith Rodgers at Guy Taylor Associates. Cllrs to discuss the ACV and completion of the the same for submission to NKDC.
ACTION: All Cllrs
l) Purchase of further Coleby Millennium Books to accompany Welcome Packs – Cllrs approved the purchase of 10 further books from the Village Hall Committee
m) Renewal of Data Protection – Cllrs approved renewal of the Parish Council’s Data Protection Registration at a cost of £40.00.
n) Street Lighting – duplication of h) above.
o) Volunteers for Lockdown – updated list of volunteers has been hand delivered to residences with volunteers agreement
p) External Christmas Decorations Competition in conjunction with Harmston Parish Council – Villagers to be invited to decorate externally to create a winter wonderland in Coleby with whatever they already have. Thanks to Kath Counsell for the idea. Harmston PC not now involved. Anyone wishing to enter their property into the winter wonderland would be asked to make a small voluntary contribution to church funds.
q) Act of Remembrance 11.11.20 – Clerk to check whether government guidelines allow the Act of Remembrance to proceed with suitable covid measures in place. 17.64 PLANNING:
a) Application Demolition of existing conservatory and erection 2 storey side extension and detached double garage 19 Blind Lane – revised plans submitted. Granted.
b) Application erection 1 dwelling 12 Coronation Crescent – Outline permission granted.
c) Tree Works application East Stables Coleby Hall – granted
d) Tree Works application Harvest Cottage 11 Church Lanegranted
e) Tree Works application The Old Rectory Rectory Road – granted
f) Tree Works application The Lodge Grantham Road 20/0889/TPO– granted
g) Tree works application The Lodge Grantham Road 20/0887/TCA – granted
h) Tree Works application Ivy House Farm - granted
i) Application Change of Use The Bell at Coleby to a dwellinghouse – Application received 3rd November. Cllrs considering response and will be lodging their reply to the application. Reply to NKDC required by 2nd December (time extended to Parish Council as Consultee).
ACTION: All Cllrs
j) Tree Works application The White Cottage Blind Lane - pending
a) a) Police Report – online system not updated since last meeting. No reports now provided to Parish Council.Cllr Overton commented this is because there is only 1 PCSO.
b) b) NHW Report – Very quiet apart from the usual scam warnings – DVLA/Banks/Internet the usual ones doing the rounds. Could people please let vulnerable members of their families know not to click on any links or give any bank details out when contacted by phone or email. Better to be safe than sorry!
a) Cllr Oxby – no report
b) Cllr Overton - monthly newsletters received by Parish Council. The grants for business scheme has been closed as this has been over subscribed. Covid cases relatively low in Lincolnshire. More track and trace require locally.
61 schools locally with covid cases.
c) Cllr Hagues- NKDC considering the Council Tax Support Scheme for April 2021. Consultation taking place – comments can be made on the NKDC website between 26th Oct and 4th December.
Community Support can be contacted for coronavirus help on 01522 782189. 50 cases of covid 19 at Moy Park Factory at Alnwick
Lockdown has resulted in closure of some facilities but green spaces to remain open in NKDC area - NKDC promoting stepping out walks.
NKDC AGM to be held on the 22nd November 2020.
Cllr Hagues appointed Vice Chairman Of NKDC. Cllrs congratulated her on her appointment.
a) Lowfields Cemetery: Thanks to Tim Walker cutting external hedges. Cllrs approved request to Marcus Hopton for quote to trim internal hedges.
B) Far Lane Cemetery:
Burial Request Miss Ann Pilsworth/Unused Plots – Councillors approved that a letter be sent to Mrs Pilsworth indicating that unfortunately Far Lane Cemetery is closed and that there are no burial plots available. Extensive enquiries involving advertising in the Graffoe Link, Notices in the village and of local residents to locate plot holders has failed (all bar one plot owner, who still requires it). The plots are reserved for a period of 100 years and unless those plot holders release them they retain the legal right to that plot for that period.
a) a) Payments to be made:
i) Clerks Salary Nov/Dec 2020 £
ii) AnglianWater Lowfields Cemetery Nov/Dec 8.00
iii) Dean West Litter Picking Nov/Dec 60.00
iv) BDG Mowing Oct 2020 298.00
v) Pelican Trust Bench VAT 87.00
vi) Jargon Free 200.00
vii) Autela Payroll Services 62.32
viii)Anglian Water Far Lane Cemetery Jul/Oct 11.97
ix) Information Commissioner Date Protection 40.00
x) LALC News Letters 4.50
xi) Coleby Village Hall Millennium Books x 10 74.20
xii) HMRC PAYE Oct/Nov/Dec 13.20
xiii)Royal British Legion Poppy Wreath 50.00
xiv)Coleby Church Annual Donation Lighting over gate 100.00
xv) Ian Thompson Lowfields Plinth 150.00
xvi)Ian Thompson Installation
b) Payments received:
i) Dog Warden/Litter Picking Grant 469.53
ii) VAT Reclaim 1658.28
c)Payments due:
i) Donation for Bench Lowfields Cemetry 435.00
Balance as at 31.10.20 in Co-operative Bank £ 12450.04
a) All Saints Church – AGM held 4th November 2020 in church with appropriate social distancing. PCC AGM 26.11.20 by zoom. South Aisle works completed. Some further stonework to be done and application to be made for further faculty to repaint interior. Church open for private prayer Tues, Thurs and Saturdays. Still have a vacancy for the churchwarden role.
Carol has resigned with effect from 26.11.20 but will remain on the VCC.
b) Village Hall – Last meeting held in person with appropriate social distancing. Village Hall had been open and operating but now closed due to latest lockdown. AGM date to be fixed after lockdown for Jan/Feb 2021.
c) School – no report
Meeting closed 20.40
Tuesday 5th January 2021 at 7.30pm. Venue or zoom to be confirmed.