January 2022 Minutes


MINUTES OF MEETING held at the Village Hall Coleby 4th January 2022

Declarations of Interest: Cllr Graham Brown Item 5d) and Item 9(a) (v).

Present: Cllr Barry Earnshaw, Cllr Alan Vivian, Cllr Theresa Brewer, Cllr Graham Brown, Cllr Jamie Cartwright, District Councillor Marianne Overton, District Councillor Lucille Hagues, S. Makinson-Sanders (Clerk). 

Apologies: Cllr David Knowles, Cllr Andrew Long, County Councillor Ian Carrington

18.31 Public Forum: David O'Connor updated the position on the Review of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. There are meetings on the 10th and 17th January when consideration will be given to modifications to the draft plan before this goes out for further consultation. The draft plan has no provision for the requirement that should development exceed the permitted growth that development has to show significant community support.

Councillor Carrington will be attending the meeting on the 10th January and will be asked to pick up on this. David O'Connor will attend the meeting on the 17th January. Neighbourhood Plan may need to be reviewed in light of wind turbines and net carbon emission targets.

.No matters raised by residents in attendance at the meeting.

18.32  Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on the 2nd November 2021. Cllr Brown proposed and Cllr Brewer seconded approval of the minutes. Minutes Approved.

18.33 County and District Councillors Reports:

Cllr Overton reported that she had responded on the draft paper. She is concerned that the draft plan opens the gates for wind turbines. The Parish Council may wish to pick up on this issue. January newsletter has been circulated. Cllr Overton reported on lack of funding to repair the 5,500 miles of roads in the county. LCC is running a campaign to get Central Government to reinstate funding for roads. Cllr Overton asked that members of the public send their experiences of the state of the roads to their local MP. The Council budget is out for consultation. It is proposed that council tax be increased to the maximum 2% County Council  and 3% adult social care. Cllr Hagues has sent out her newsletter and has nothing further to report.

18.34 Clerk's Reports:

a)  Agenda sent to all on email list and posted on the website and noticeboard.

b)  Western Power/BT update: A survery was carried out by BT on the 30th November and Dave Underwood of Lincolnshire County Council Highways is chasing them for confirmation of what arrangements they have made to survey their apparatus. Clerk to chase.

c)  Dyke Excavations Hill Rise: Cllr Carrington pursuing matter. Clerk to contact farmer concerned again to get matter resolved.

d)  Act of Remembrance: Attended by 60 adults and 39 children from the school. Wreaths were laid by the Parish Council and the school. Thanks to Reverend Sarah Davis for conducting the Act of Remembrance, to David Cooper, the bugler for the Last Post and Reveille and to Margo Nelstrop for refreshments.

e)  Annual Precept and Budget: Annual running costs of the Parish Council currently in region of £10,000. Inflation is currently 4.2% and likely to increase but to fall by the end of 2022. Councillors wish to provide for involvement in the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations and for improving signage at the cemetery on Lowfields. The signage could be covered by grants.Cllr Brown proposed that money be put aside to improve street lighting by changing the existing lights to the new lantern style as carried out in parts of the village. The Parish Council will carry forward in the region of £8000 to the new financial year. A proposal was put froward that the precept be increased by 4.2% to £10208.00 Cllr Vivian  approved and Cllr Brown seconded. Cllrs approved by a majority.

f) Queen's Platinum Jubilee: The site for a beacon has already been approved. Cllrs agreed that a joint approach with the Village Hall Committee, the school and the Village Church Council would be appropriate. Clerk to contact organisations regarding a street party. 

g) Grasscutting Agreement LCC - Councillors approved unanimously to renew the grasscutting agreement with LCC whereby the Parish Council takes responsibility for the cutting of the amenity grass and verges within the village for a small grant towards the cost from the County Council. This ensures the grass is cut regularly.  

18.35. Planning:

a) Planning Application - Outline application for Erection 4 x new dwellings Land off Dovecote Lane. Application refused. 

b) Planning Application Erection 2 storey rear extension 2 Rose Cottage Lane. Approved

c) Tree Works Application 3 Chestnut Paddock. Approved.

d) Tree Works Application The Lodge Grantham Road. Approved.

e) Planning Application Resurfacing of Church Footpath. Pending.

f) Planning Application Rear Extension 12 Far Lane. Pending.

18.36 Police Reports:

a) Police: November report posted on noticeboard and village mailing list.. Nothing further to add.

b) Neighbourhood Watch: Very quiet. A number of scams currently being reported including Royal Mail, Amazon, HMRC and the Banks.

18.37 Cemeteries:

a) Lowfields Cemetery: Nothing to report 

b) Far Lane Cemetery: Cllr Cartwright proposed and Cllr Brown seconded approval of the memorial to Frederick and Kathleen Wilcox. Councillors approved.

Cemetery Fees were raised as the last cost increase was 2004. Clerk to ascertain fees in local council cemeteries and matter to be carried forward.

18.38 Financial Matters:

a)   Payments to be made:

i.    Clerk's salary £  (Jan/Feb 2022)

ii.   Litter Picking Dean West Jan/Feb 2022 @ £30 per month Total £60.00

iii.   Anglian Water Lowfields Cemetery Jan/Feb 2022 @£4 pm Total £8.00

iv.   Autela Payroll Services £42.00 VAT £8.40 Total £50.40

v.   Coleby Christmas Tree Company 3 x Christmas Trees @£40.00 per tree Total 120.00

vi.  Defibrillator Service - reimburse Coleby School £90.00 + VAT £18.00 Total £108.00

vii. Donation to Village Hall Funds from funds allocated to the Village Weekend Event for defibrillator £275.00

viii. Donation Church Lighting £100.00

ix.  S Makinson-Sanders reimbure Batteries Christmas Tree Lights £17.46 +VAT £3.51 Total 20.97

x.  Coleby Village Hall books for Welcome Packs £74.20

xi. Coleby Village Hall Hire £20.00

b)   Payments received:

i.    Interment of Ashes Wilcox £130.00

ii.   Memorial Wilcox £20.000

iii,  Memorial Paul Butler £20.00

c) Payments due:

i.   Litter Picking Grant £95.34

ii.  Grasscutting Grant £475.44

Balance held at Co -operative Bank as at 14.12.21 £8926.46

18.39 Reports from Village Organisations:

a) All Saints Church: Coleby Carols cancelled. Well attended service on Christmas morning. Awaiting planning and faculty for footpath. Interior to be painted, 

b) Village Hall: Downhill progressing.Nothing further to report. 

c) School Report: No report. School only back from break today,

18.30 Correspondence:  None

Meeting closed 20.35

Next Meeting Tuesday 1st March 2022 at the Village Hall at 7.30pm